Educational Philosophy

I believe that every child has the right to receive a quality education. I want to be that educator who encourages children to meet their fullest potential. I will work to construct an environment which is safe and secure and promotes intellectual, emotional, social and physical growth for my students. The children of today encompass the society of tomorrow. I want to do what I can to ensure that our future holds hope by introducing students to new ways of thinking and encouraging them to share different ideas within a respectful environment. In my classroom I hope to create a community where children feel safe and supported where they are responsible for their own actions and take learning into their own hands. I will create a positive, nurturing environment where motivation and encouragement is fostered in each learning process. I will not overlook specific students needs. I will work to create learning opportunities to differentiate in everything I do as I know that students will always be at a different academic, cognitive and emotional level.


I am aware that teaching is a lifelong learning process and that I will constantly be reflecting upon the teaching methods and strategies I use so that I can improve them. I acknowledge that assessment and reporting processes will vary with different educational institutions and with policy changes. I will do my best to fairly assess students on a regular basis and report relevant information regarding their learning.


The social construct of schools support Vygotsky’s claim that learning is done in a collaborative way amongst peers. I agree with this claim and am a supporter of students learning within groups. Rote learning is an old-fashioned teaching strategy which does not allow students to grow the synapses they can through social education and constructivism. Children do not come to school as blank canvases waiting for to paint them, nor sponges expected to soak up all the information we regurgitate. Learning is done in a constructive way. Students are constantly building on their prior experiences which vary from individual to individual. It is the job of the educator to cater to the specific learning needs of the students in ways that will develop learning from their earlier experiences. I will do everything in my power to guide my students on their journey to success.

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